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50 Micron FF Sediment Filter

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Melt blown full flow sediment filter, 50 Micron, 10 IN, compatible with full flow systems


This is a 50 micron spun sediment filter. It is used in the  full flow filter housing (part number 500221). This filter will reduce the amount of sand, silt, dirt, and other particulates up to 50 microns in size. Recommended filter change is every six months*. Note: Filter life may vary based on local water conditions or usage.


Product Dimensions

  • Length: 4 1/2 IN
  • Width: 4 1/2 IN
  • Height: 9 7/8 IN

Operational Parameters

  • Operating Temperatures: Max. 100 ° F (37.8 ° C) Min. 40 ° F (4.4 ° C)
  • Operating Pressure: Max. 85 psi (5.95 kg/cm ²) Min. 5 psi (.35 kg/cm ²)
  • Maximum flow rate: 22 GPM @ 60 psi 83.27 LPM @ 4.20 kg/cm ²