Common Waterborne Viruses Found in Tap Water
It’s no secret that tap water that hasn’t been purified isn’t the best for you. In fact, untreated tap water—even if labeled “safe for consumption”—can actually be full of harmful minerals and chemicals. However, the real danger lies in the waterborne viruses that manage to live through a city’s purification process. Here are the most common waterborne viruses found in tap water.
What Are Waterborne Viruses?
Simply put, waterborne viruses are viruses that are hardy enough to survive the filtration systems of most municipal water filtration plants. These viruses have very real potential to cause sickness, and local spikes of some diseases are often attributed to them. It’s important to note that infection from waterborne viruses can also spread through other methods. In fact, with some diseases, washing your hands with infected water can even cause you to get sick.
What Are the Most Common Waterborne Viruses?
As it turns out, many viruses can withstand a modern water treatment facility. Here are just a few waterborne viruses that you can expect to be in your tap water:
- Giardia
- Legionella
- Norovirus
- Salmonella
- Hepatitis A
- E. Coli
As you can see, many different kinds of bacteria can fester in your tap water. Here’s what you can do about it.
What Can You Do To Prevent These Diseases?
When it comes to water purification against biological contaminants, one amazing way to disinfect the water is UV purification. UV purification uses high-energy light to penetrate the outer walls of bacteria and kill them from the inside. The best part is that UV water filters for the home don’t alter the water’s taste, consistency, or color.
We hope this article on the common waterborne viruses found in tap water has been enlightening. If you’re considering a UV filter, make sure you talk to our experts before making your purchase. They’ll have great insight into how you can prepare your home for your new water filter as well as information on the other important things you should know before installing the filter.